14 June 2009

A week's worth of posts!

June 13

A pretty boring day today. Mike (mostly) and I worked out in the yard by the gate to the backyard. Since it was so hot we decided the 4 of us plus Emma would go swimming to cool off. Water was 86 degrees and perfect!

June 12

OK...today is FRIDAY / PAYDAY! The kids were left with a SMALL list of chores with the stipulation the whole week's pay depended on them completing their list....didn't happen! I get to keep my $$$

June 11

Baseball Tournament...........CANCELLED! A major bummer. I hated to see their season end on the sour note it ended on at their last game that they played like crap at! Oh well...there is always next season...

The kids did go to Reda and Billy's to swim...but the storm delayed their swim. Rich didn't get in though.

June 10

Kids did pretty good with their chores again today. So they get to go swimming tomorrow. I'm thinking it is going to work!

A nasty storm blew through tonight and broke the basketball goal. Hopefully we can just buy a replacement part or two and not the whole darn thing!!!

June 9

Today they went swimming at Reda and Billy's. Great, hot day for swimming.

June 8

The 1st real day of summer break for the kids. No problems though. They had their chore list and their reward was getting to go swimming the next day. I hope it works.

June 7

YEAH! We got our Rich back and got to go visit with Levi and Storri. Then it was off to Rich's baseball practice. With only 4 kids there and 2 coaches...they got an awesome practice. So much so that Rich's stitching came loose in his glove. Good thing post-season tournament is all that is left for the season.

June 6

Kiley had her softball tournament starting this morning. They played an awesome game their first go. The 2nd game...not so good. She did end up with the team's Most Improved Player trophy and she loved her season trophy...it is a glove trophy with a softball sitting in it. It is like the one I got when I played tball! So, I probably like it more than her!

This afternoon we went to my company picnic at the Stogner's house. As always Kiley enjoyed swimming and Mike enjoyed too many rounds of volleyball. Since Rich was off camping...he didn't get to join us.

05 June 2009

Kids are both finished with school!!! Kiley keeps telling everyone she got promoted! I love it!
Today is my mom's heart catheterization. We are here waiting for the procedure.
Rich is off camping with Tricia and family.

UPDATE: Mom's catheterization went well. Shows only 30% blockage (dr not worried about that). Still aren't sure why the weak heart muscle. He'll change her meds and check her in December.

Kiley and I rode with Reda and Billy to the hospital. We always enjoy our time with them!

03 June 2009

Rich's awards were this morning. He recieved the accomplishment award as well as commended for TAKS. The latter of which came from the principal placing a medal around his neck. His teacher, though his homeroom and math teacher, was so proud for him for getting a medal...Even if it wasn't for math she was proud! He was one E away from the citizenship award. He had a teacher he could not do anything right for and had a rough 6 weeks where he 'earned' an S instead of an E. Oh well, walking off the stage with the medal was good enough for him! Then on to the talent show...surprised by Kiley and crew performing God Bless the USA in sign language. Which was the first act. Rich did do his speedstacks until the very end...2hours later. They were both glad to get out and go home. Good job kids!!!
Way to go down winning!!! Kiley's softball team won their final game of the season!!! On to end of season tournament Saturday!!

02 June 2009

YEAH!!! Just found out Rich passed his math taks. It took 2 tries, but he made it!!! 6th grade Walnut Grove Middle School, here we come!!!

01 June 2009

Tonight after the Kiley's practice we went to Whataburger. Kiley was trying to say something to Mike and he told her to talk slower. So she literally started talking in slow motion. Too freakin funny!!
This morning was 1st grade awards for the Class of 2020!! Kiley received the Personal Achievement award and the PRO award for good conduct. I think she barely made it for that one.