25 December 2009

Now on to the family gifts to each other. Kiley openned a vest from Rich. She was with me when I purchased it. While she wasn't surprised, she was glad she can finally wear it! Dad opened a notepad from Kiley that says #1 Dad on it and I got a #1 Mom one that matches. She said to make sure I kept it in my purse in case WE need to write on it. I know that means HER. WOW! Rich went shopping! Not really. He had NO INTEREST in going shopping for his mom and dad (mom covered sister for him). I even tried giving him $30 to go pick out something for Mike and me. NOPE! Wouldn't do it. So I bought Mike some windpants and wrapped them up. And I got me some slippers and wrapped them up. Even Christmas morning when we were passing out gifts I mentioned how PROUD I was of Rich to go shopping and get something for each of us. So Mike opens his pants first. I inquire to Rich about where he shops. He so nonchalantly says, "Dicks." (Uh....Wal-Mart was were I snagged them.) Then I made a big deal about my slippers. He never gave in. Just took total credit for it all. THAT BOY!!!! But on a bright side, he put batteries in something and declared himself the family mechanic!! Just what we need. Good thing Kiley got him an awesome lanyard with flames on it. Not sure he'll ever use it, but it sure looks cool!
Christmas morn....(I'm doing this live...then going back to edit it)
We made them open one at a time. Kiley opened her perfume and Rich his cologne. Impressed!! Next was a shirt for Kiley that she loves. Next she opened jeans. She said ,"I love getting jeans!". Rich opened slippers. Whew, he liked them. Kiley thinks it is "awkward" that Santa used so many boxes. And Kiley gets "oh my gosh'. Slipper flip flops!". Ohh ahhh Rich opens his basketball shoes!! Kiley's turn. "A box again! Who uses so many boxes. Oh my gosh a jacket.". And Rich opens an Aeropastle jacket!! Kiley freezes while opening Twister Hopscotch. She can't wait to play it with Emma. Now back to Rich. A pair of Levis. Kiley..."My turn! This ones heavy. No way! Ok. I'm buying. Who is it from? Love 'em". The black boots she wanted. She thinks the insides are cute. Mike asks her if she will need help zippering it. "Apparently!" was her response. Rich opens a shirt. Not so impressed. He had an Aeropastle Christmas (hoodie, cologne, and shirt)!!! Now on to her guitar. She looks just like Taylor Swift. Uh oh....Rich just said 'lucky'. Guess he isn't impressed she got a guitar and he didn't. Rich opens the Wii Fit! Pretty much success. They still don't know about the bikes in the garage!! :) the plan is to let them stumble on them!! OH and stockings...well Santa and her helper have temporarily misplaced the stocking fillers besides the fruit. So Kiley was a bit sad that she had no chocolate! Fortunately they were found mid afternoon in the garage. He must have left them there when leaving the bikes! ;)

19 November 2009

Today was Kiley's 2nd grade program. It was a Fitness Sock Hop theme. She had a speaking part and did very well..."Yea. Especially since you have to work so hard at soccer practice.". Then she was a ribbon dancer. Well she twirled some ribbons anyway!
She was back to the ENT. Her hearing has slightly worsened and she had Been referred to a pediatric dr. She will be evaluated to see if she is ready to have her eardrum patched.
So after her program and appointment we headed off to the mall and did some frugal jewelry shopping! We followed it up with lunch at Chili's!

13 November 2009

Not good about keeping up!

Been a long time since I've updated!! But here is what's been going on lately. Kiley started basketball practice this week. YEAH!!! They were able to have all girl teams rather than co-ed like last year. I think she will like it much better. She did a really great job at practice last night dribbling the ball. Much improved over last year where she would forget to dribble! Her grades are still exceptional! Even her conduct grades are 100. That is simply a miracle in itself. She is still loving going to cheer practice. They are learning a routine to Party In the USA by her favorite Miley Cyrus. As for Richard, I'm not sure which to share first. He has finally gotten back to As and Bs at school AND he has a girlfriend. Her twin brothers have basketball practice just before Kiley in the same gym. So last night as she was leaving she and Rich gave the oh-so-affectionate knuckles!! Good thing her Daddy didn't see it! She is a nice girl that seems to come from a nice, large family. Her parents are both from Midlothian and they live in our neighborhood. Ok enough about that. We are most excited about the effort he is giving in school and his positive attitude

19 September 2009

Ticket for dance - $4; Spending money for dance - $10; Going to his first dance - PRICELE$$

Today was a in important day for Rich. He has waited for this day since elementary school when he first heard they had dances at middle school! He wasn't sure about how to go about buying a ticket this week during lunch. So we convinced him to just ASK his friends! DUH! How hard can that be??? So he finally came home with a ticket mid-week. It was 80s themed, so what does a boy wear? He ended up wearing just denim shorts and a polo style shirt. He couldn't decide to 'pop' the collar or not, so he decided to wait til he got there to 'pop' it or leave it down.
NO! I was NOT the mom that honked the entire time her son got out until he reached the door. But Rich did walk in with that boy and they laughed about it. Now, we WERE those parents that got there 15 minutes early to pick him up to sit in the parking lot and watch all the kids coming out. Some girls were dressed way up, some were dressed 80s looking, and some were in plain school clothes. All the boys I saw were just in regular clothes...but hello...boys wore jeans and thsirts in the 80s just as they do today.
His reaction when he got to the car was that it was AWESOME and he can't wait until the next one. I remember in the 80s going to middle school dances and having the same thoughts. I even wearing my 1st mini skirt to a school dance!!! I think it may have been my LAST mini skirt, too!
I'm glad he was able to go even if his good friend was home sick and didn't go. No pictures because afterall...he just wore his regular clothes. "It is no big deal, mom!"

10 September 2009

Trying To Catch Up?!?!?!

I keep telling myself to upate this before I forget what I want to add. But...never get around to it. So, I'll try to update now going back to the last update.

Thursday, 10-Sept
Today Rich had a BIG day....Math test, Science test, and Social Studies test!!! We studied our hineys off last night. Unfortunately, the math score was 53. Math is such a struggle for him...and me trying to teach him. He so keeps his head held high. Before we discussed the math results I asked him how he did and he seemed so confident. When I told him 53, it was like I totally knocked him down. I try not to cry, but I so feel like we (or I) am letting him down by not getting it through to him. Today was Basilio Rocha Day at his school. Last Friday Basilio was in the bathroom and another kid was chocking. He safely and effectively performed the Heimlich manuever on him and cleared his airway. It has drawn the attention of the local news media. Richard says it is 'gay', but I have assured him he needs to stick close to this kid when he can in case RICH starts choking.
Kiley had a great day at school. Tomorrow she FINALLY takes her 100 clothespins that she would not take today because it isn't DUE til Friday.

Wednesday, 9-Sept (09-09-09, cool, huh?)
Uneventful day at the office and school...thankfully. Just lotsa studying for Rich's tests tomorrow.

Tuesday, 8-Sept
Kiley had cheer tonight and she worked on 'stunts'. She loved the climbing on other people and having them climb on her. I hit the resale shop next door for some bargains!

Monday, 7-Sept
Today Kiley and I went for our mani pedis! She loved every minute of it. We got fancy acrylic on our toenails...mine are white and hers are hot pink with flowers and sparkles. She just kept mouthing to me, "This is SO cool!!!". We did some shopping at her favorite store Justice. Got to use our spend $50 and save $25 coupons...both of them. Spent $58 and saved $76!!! Amost paid for the mani pedis...almost!
Mike started some training today to last thorugh Saturday. At least he gets to start early and get off at 3:30. We could all get used to that schedule!
Rich just hung around.

Weekend 5 & 6-Sept
Not much of anything. Mike worked the yard and we hung out in the house. Kiley and Rich stayed overnight with the Miller kids last night and Kiley came home sick. So we put off our mani pedis. By day's end she was feeling much better and went swimming at Aunt Reda and Uncle Billy's then we hit Chili's for dinner and stopped over at Aunt Tricia's for some Storri and Levi loving!

Friday, 4-Sept
Mike and Rich are headed to PA for the weekend to work on Mom's house. Unfortunately 1/2 of the DFW metroplex wanted to go as well and left no seats available for them. So no girly weekend for me and Kiley! Oh well!

Thursday, 3-Sept
Today was Kiley's day she got written up for talking at school. We have made it this far!

Wednesday, 2-Sept

Tuesday, 1-Sept

Monday, 31-Aug

Sunday, 30-Aug

Saturday, 29-Aug
GARAGE SALE!!! $75 cha-chings! Had mom, dad, the Williams family, and Andy and kids over for some grilling afterwards. Great family 'hang' time. Missed Bill and his sweet family and Keith.

Friday, 28-Aug

Thursday, 27-Aug

Wednesday, 26-Aug

Tuesday, 25-Aug

Monday, 24-Aug
First day of school!!! Rich goes to 6th grade at Walnut Grove Middle School! MIDDLE SCHOOL I TELL YA! He rode the bus to and from. LOVES IT!!! Bus picks him up at 7:45 and drops him off at 4:15 about the time I'm coming and going. Should work out great!
Kiley is in 2nd grade at Longbranch. Instead of YMCA afterschool, Emma's Mammy will be picking her up and sitting with her until Rich or I get home. Hope it works out.

21 July 2009

End of the Summer Party!! Time for School Supplies

No, summer isn't over yet...but the party was today at Aunt Reda and Uncle Billy's. They hosted for all the brats that having been coming over this summer a hot dog cookout and swimming. Aunt Tricia, Storri, and Levi went. As did Erin, her girls, and Garrett. Karen, Belinda, Jewelee, and Braydon showed up, too! My kids had a great time and enjoyed the extra swim time. This was the last week Garrett will be there with my kids as they go to Pennsylvania for the next 2 weeks. By the time they return, Garrett will be back with his mom.

I got more school supplies today for the kids. I LOVE SCHOOL SUPPLY SHOPPING! I love everything about it...the crowded aisles, the hunt for the exact Jumbo Elmer's Glue Stick...that costs 4 times as much as a regular one for not even twice as much glue, the Made In America pencils which are getting harder and harder to find, and pointed not rounded scissors for Kiley. And, Kiley will be taking 6 not-jumbo tubes verus the 3 jumbo ones she was supposed to have. Couldn't decide between 2 pencil bags...so she ended up with both. She'll have to decide which to use. And, if I know my girl, she will end up with them both.

20 July 2009

Reunion duds....

This past week we spent getting ready to go to Oklahoma for the Nix Family Reunion. I was super prepared for fun and junk food. Instead ended up in bed most of the day Saturday with a little stomach virus (I'll spare the details) and then was loving enough to pass on to Mike later in the afternoon and then on to Rich during the early morning hours on Sunday. We were sharing a room with Tricia and her family. We all ended up leaving and checking out at around 5 or 5:30 Sunday morning and making our way home...with only a few pit stops.... Mike and I both worked today and the kids seemed to manage their chores without getting sick. Good thing I went easy on them. It IS Monday afterall and we all have a hard time getting motivated for Mondays!

So, in the end...we were the reunion duds.... But we did take advantage of the INDOOR pool. I don't really remember it ever raining at our reunion too much in Oklahoma. But this year it did. We swam in the pool while watching the lightening and rain come down. The kids and I made it down to the little amusement park with the rest of my family Saturday evening for some bumper car action! Kiley loved the bumper cars, ferris wheel, tilt-a-whirl, pink spider thing, and go carts with Kae-Kae! Rich was more into the go carts and some airplane ride and NOT the spinning rides! He did ride the ferris wheel with AK. Kiley is the thrill-ride girl! Rich just wants to DRIVE! He put his hat on backwards on the go carts and took it serious to make it to the front of the pack! I even got in on the bumper car action and tried taking pictures while doing it. Not really a good idea...

I look forward to 'us' having our own family reunion and my awesome sister-in-law Shana is supposed to be planning our 1st one!

15 July 2009

Now a MONTH's worth of POSTS!!!

12-14 July
We started working on the deck Sunday. We cut off the top part of it where the covered part was (not that we ever saw it covered). Then we headed to Home Depot to ‘look’ at solar lights to top the support posts with. I never even knew there was such a thing until I saw them in a circular. Ended up buying 3 as they are $20 each. Since the wood is all warped too on the top rail, we went ahead and got wood to replace them as well. Eventually we’ll replace the bottom rail as well. But for now it looks ok. Took us until Tuesday evening to get it all done. It was a family effort. Mike cut, measured, and drilled, Rich was a holder, I was a holder and stainer, and Kiley…..well, Kiley was digging for treasure. As treasure as hitting limestone 3 inches down is. Hopefully Wednesday we can get the 3 lights we got on and the other posts’ plain, black plastic covers screwed on a well.What a difference we are seeing with Rich’s braces already.

5-11 July
Its kinda quiet only the 3 of us. Kiley stayed at my mom and dad’s after Kae’s party. After a great time at the Consalus’ Family 4th Celebration, I spent a great deal of time in bed ‘recovering’ on Sunday. Monday Rich and I got up bright and early to be at the orthodontist at 8:40. Rich got his braces on. He's looking all cute in them. He had to have BLUE bands on them. Just what he needs is more blue to make his eyes pop out. Then Dr. Parker told him to take Tylenol every 4 hours the first couple of days to help with the pain. He also said if that didn’t work to just bring him back and he’d take him home for a few days. Rich liked this idea when he found out he had a pool and batting cages. He survived though. BUT, he did lay around for a few days moping about it.
Rich and I stopped by Tractor Supply on our way back from the ortho to look for a gift for Weston’s upcoming birthday. We found several cute things (and on clearance might I add!), but not the little push tractor I wanted him to have. So I found it on-line (of course!). Paid extra for shipping to have it by Friday. Well, Friday afternoon found me waiting for the UPS delivery until almost 5 in the afternoon! But he got his tractor I wanted him to have as well as a John Deere baseball! Who knew there was such a thing? It’ll go great with his camo baseball glove we got him when he was born.
We went to my mom’s on Friday (after UPS came!). Storri and Kiley made up a ‘presidential suite’ upstairs at my parents. It was the room we all stayed in Friday night. It was called the Due-Will. They had their little parts for when we ‘arrived’. AK was the security guard. His part was so darn cute. Kiley giggled all the way through her part. So, we have no idea what she was saying. Rich took his part seriously. Storri was quite the ‘manager’ as well. We even had chilled chocolate waiting for us.
Weston’s party was at the Hico Fire hall. He had lots of family there to celebrate with him. He didn’t mind sharing his cake with Levi either. Tricia did a great job on the cakes (John Deere of course!). By the time we left there Saturday afternoon, I think everyone had seen enough yellow and green.

28 June - 4 July
Mike is on vacation Sun-Wed of this week. So that means play time for him and the kids while Mom works. He took them to Ellen’s 2 of those days to play around. Rich had his friend Brandon over to spend the night after they went to a Ranger game Tuesday with some of their baseball team (Rangers won by the way!).
Kabrina turned 16 this week so we went to Hico to celebrate at her surprise birthday party. She had several friends show up and all 17 of us were there. It was a fun time. I finally made a bottle cap frame with her name on it. I’ve been wanting to make one for awhile now. And finally did it. WAY CUTE! I’d love to be able to make some up for selling…we’ll have to see about that. I also put together a photo album for her. All she has to do is slide the pictures in after the party. Oh, and our little Kae-Kae is a legal, licensed driver in the State of Texas…watch out!!!
When we got back from Hico Saturday we headed over to a 4th of July celebration we were invited to by some friends of ours. Had a really great time and the fireworks were just as great. We stayed until about 2:30 Sunday morning…

21-27 June
Not a lot happening this week. Mom went back to the cardiologist. Nothing new to report. She’ll go back in 3 months. Rich went to the orthodontist this week. We really like Dr. Parker. He explained there was nothing that couldn’t wait to be fixed in Rich’s mouth. When I explained we would like to get his top overbite really taken care of now. He totally understood and will get him started. With him starting middle school, we just want it taken care of. So we’ll go back on 6-July for Phase 1 braces. Which will be just the top 4 front teeth getting braces for now.

14-20 June
I’m thinking this must have been a boring week as well! We are still bummed baseball ended like it did. Rich did go to birthday party on Thursday for J. Wyatt at Alley Cats (one of his favorite places!).

14 June 2009

A week's worth of posts!

June 13

A pretty boring day today. Mike (mostly) and I worked out in the yard by the gate to the backyard. Since it was so hot we decided the 4 of us plus Emma would go swimming to cool off. Water was 86 degrees and perfect!

June 12

OK...today is FRIDAY / PAYDAY! The kids were left with a SMALL list of chores with the stipulation the whole week's pay depended on them completing their list....didn't happen! I get to keep my $$$

June 11

Baseball Tournament...........CANCELLED! A major bummer. I hated to see their season end on the sour note it ended on at their last game that they played like crap at! Oh well...there is always next season...

The kids did go to Reda and Billy's to swim...but the storm delayed their swim. Rich didn't get in though.

June 10

Kids did pretty good with their chores again today. So they get to go swimming tomorrow. I'm thinking it is going to work!

A nasty storm blew through tonight and broke the basketball goal. Hopefully we can just buy a replacement part or two and not the whole darn thing!!!

June 9

Today they went swimming at Reda and Billy's. Great, hot day for swimming.

June 8

The 1st real day of summer break for the kids. No problems though. They had their chore list and their reward was getting to go swimming the next day. I hope it works.

June 7

YEAH! We got our Rich back and got to go visit with Levi and Storri. Then it was off to Rich's baseball practice. With only 4 kids there and 2 coaches...they got an awesome practice. So much so that Rich's stitching came loose in his glove. Good thing post-season tournament is all that is left for the season.

June 6

Kiley had her softball tournament starting this morning. They played an awesome game their first go. The 2nd game...not so good. She did end up with the team's Most Improved Player trophy and she loved her season trophy...it is a glove trophy with a softball sitting in it. It is like the one I got when I played tball! So, I probably like it more than her!

This afternoon we went to my company picnic at the Stogner's house. As always Kiley enjoyed swimming and Mike enjoyed too many rounds of volleyball. Since Rich was off camping...he didn't get to join us.

05 June 2009

Kids are both finished with school!!! Kiley keeps telling everyone she got promoted! I love it!
Today is my mom's heart catheterization. We are here waiting for the procedure.
Rich is off camping with Tricia and family.

UPDATE: Mom's catheterization went well. Shows only 30% blockage (dr not worried about that). Still aren't sure why the weak heart muscle. He'll change her meds and check her in December.

Kiley and I rode with Reda and Billy to the hospital. We always enjoy our time with them!

03 June 2009

Rich's awards were this morning. He recieved the accomplishment award as well as commended for TAKS. The latter of which came from the principal placing a medal around his neck. His teacher, though his homeroom and math teacher, was so proud for him for getting a medal...Even if it wasn't for math she was proud! He was one E away from the citizenship award. He had a teacher he could not do anything right for and had a rough 6 weeks where he 'earned' an S instead of an E. Oh well, walking off the stage with the medal was good enough for him! Then on to the talent show...surprised by Kiley and crew performing God Bless the USA in sign language. Which was the first act. Rich did do his speedstacks until the very end...2hours later. They were both glad to get out and go home. Good job kids!!!
Way to go down winning!!! Kiley's softball team won their final game of the season!!! On to end of season tournament Saturday!!

02 June 2009

YEAH!!! Just found out Rich passed his math taks. It took 2 tries, but he made it!!! 6th grade Walnut Grove Middle School, here we come!!!

01 June 2009

Tonight after the Kiley's practice we went to Whataburger. Kiley was trying to say something to Mike and he told her to talk slower. So she literally started talking in slow motion. Too freakin funny!!
This morning was 1st grade awards for the Class of 2020!! Kiley received the Personal Achievement award and the PRO award for good conduct. I think she barely made it for that one.

31 May 2009

Great baseball weekend...didn't come out with a win but Rich made it all worth it. Most of the team gave about NO effort in the field. My Rich never gave up nor hung his head. Rich ended his season 6-5. Not a losing season, but not the perfect season we had last spring.
As for Kiley, we had Storri watch her. They enjoyed their time together. We picked up subs and had dinner with them. I love we have dinner at least once a week with them. And love it more when it happens more than once!
Gearing up for the LAST WEEK of school! What a year!

29 May 2009

School is nearly out! Lotsa updates!!

Friday, 29-May
Well...today I let Rich know...IT IS HIS LAST FRIDAY TO BE IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL!!! (Lord willing...). He got his official paper saying he recieved COMMENDED on his Science TAKS test. He has worked hard all year studying his science. We would copy his book by chapter so he didnt have to wag it home everynight. He totally deserved it and we are so happy for him. He actually found out 18-May, I think, but we got the paper today!!!
Kiley's little face is starting to peel. That nasty, thick dark peel. Lucky for her, she is still as tan underneath so she won't be spotty!

Thursday, 28-May
Mike took the day off to go to Rich's field day...since it is his last one we'll be allowed to go to. Mike had fun and got to visit with Kiley a little bit as well. At one point Rich's teacher let Mike know he needed to go to the cafeteria to check on her. Can you say DRAMA QUEEN!?!?!?!
WE PAID OUR LAST YMCA $55 for the school year!!! We get to save $220 for 2 1/2 months.
At work today An called to let me know mom's angiogram/catheterization is set up for next Friday morning.
Rich had a game tonight. They played awesome. He was in on some GREAT plays as well! Very fun to watch when you are winning.
Afterwards we met up with Tricia and family for dinner at Jimmy's! YUM-O!

Wednesday, 27-May
Today was Kiley's field day. Since they split field day up among the grades, I took Kiley's day off and Mike is taking Rich's day off work. First graders still wear you out! Rich and most of the 5th graders came and helped out during field day so we go to see Rich, too. After the festivities were over, Kiley and I snuck out of school and came home to nap (me) / watch tv (Ki).
We had 'Pa's Special' for dinner tonight. Kiley out of NOWHERE proclaimed that Pa had been gone 8 weeks and he has to come back NOW! We have missed him being around here since he is working out of town. I think we are all ready for him to come back!

Tuesday, 26-May
Back to school and work with our sunburns! OUCH!!! We were all slow moving. We are all ready for school to be out. A break from the hustle and bustle we have done the last 9 months.
Kiley is looking forward to field day tomorrow.
She had a game tonight. I didn't get to see all of it, but we ended up losing in the end. Bummer! It is a team we have beaten once already....double bummer.

Monday, 25-May Memorial Day 2009
The last few years we have gone over to Aunt Reda's and Uncle Billy's and cooked out and swam. This year was no different...except An and her family joined us with Kae bringing a friend and Storri, too. Jason and Erin and the girls joined us. Bertie loves her Aunt Jenny and let me take her around the pool. Belle wasn't so in to the water. Levi didn't like it until Aunt Ninny jumped in and then he wanted to. At least it got him in the water. It was a great day and we all had fun. It was nice and warm out, pool was cool, and we all got our 1st sunburns of the year. :) Grand!

Sunday, 24-May
More painting on the house. Finished all he could reach...I think. Not sure! I ended up leaving and going to Tricia's to visit since Andy and family were up.

Saturday, 23-May
Mike started painting the trim on the house. Hopefully it will last a few years!!! Now we need to get that deck top cut off and the storage building painted. Erin, the girls, and I set out for shopping. I forgot what it was like to shop with 2 little ones. Erin is such a trooper! I had a great day spending it with them. Even though we didn't really find what we were looking for...bottle caps! Erin bought or was given some cute frames with the girls' names on them. I'd love to duplicate them and give as gifts. Just gotta find those caps!

Friday, 22-May
He lugged his big project into school this morning, but didn't have time to make his presentation on PA. He'll have to wait til Tuesday.

Thursday, 21-May
Met Tricia and family in town for some good ole Mexican food! Rich has a game AND Kiley has a game........same start time! Lucky for us Kiley's started right on time and Rich's started about 20 minutes late! Kiley's team won and I flew over to the baseball fields (not literally...I drove the posted speed limit...you know I'm on probation for my speeding ticket....). Rich's team WON! Gotta love a double win! Rich played a great game defensively! He has got to get that bat going!!!

Tuesday, 19-May
Today is the day of the Math retest. He seems so confident he did well on it. Makes me feel a little better..but I won't feel good until I get the results of 'met standard'.

Monday, 18-May
Rich found out (not officially on paper!) from his science teacher he made COMMENDED on his TAKS test!! (Later we found out he missed only 3 out of 40 questions!!!).
He has a game tonight, but won't be playing. It is a late game and he has his Math TAKS retest tomorrow. I am praying the Commended on his science will boost his self esteem and really get him to score great on his math TAKS. I'm praying anyway!!!!
His team ended up loosing the game. It was against the 1st place team. Fortunately (being the WANNA WIN MOM I am...) we won't play them again...unless we meet up in the championship game in the end of season tournaments!!!

Sunday, 17-May
Gotta head back home. Rich and Mike have a report, presentation, and visual to finish about Pennsylvania for his Social Studies class.

Saturday, 16-May
We were supposed to have a baseball game.......but the rain came! So we decided to load up and Road Trip! We drove in the rain to Waco. We visited the Dr. Pepper museum and the Texas Sports Hall of Fame. Both were great places. We packed clothes for overnighting somewhere and ended up at Ma and Pa's house. We enjoyed dinner with them and Bill, Shana, and Weston. The kids were disappointed when we told them we weren't going to hotel, but they sure seemed to forget about it once we got to Hico.

12 May 2009

Monday 5/11
Grandma flew out this morning. We had a busy, fun visit with her though. Next time we’ll see her will be when we fly up for our summer visit. The countdown is on for the end of school!

Sunday 5/10 MOTHER’S DAY!
I think it means ‘Mother’s Day…In The Kitchen’! I got up at 6 and went to Walmart to get a brisket. Come home and put it on. Kids brought in flowers and Kiley’s stuff she made at school along with some cards for the occasion. Then, Linda and I went back to Walmart later to finish shopping for ‘our’ dinner. I made brisket and she made some yummy roasted garlic/parsley potatoes and we had a salad and bread. YUM! She and I worked in the kitchen forever it seemed. We did get a couple of games of Rumicube in and taught Rich how to play, too! Tricia, Chris, and the kids joined us for dinner. I totally forgot big news..........KILEY LEARNED TO RIDE HER BIKE TODAY!!!! FINALLY!!!! She is a two wheelin', crazy driving girl!

Saturday 5/9
We got up early this morning for more ball! We watched Nicholas’ team play a great game! Then Rich played. FINALLY we are back to a W-I-N! YEAH!!!! WHOOP WHOOP!! He didn’t get a hit this game, but made some fantastic plays at 1st! Good job, Mets!
Michelle’s sister ended up sick and we weren’t able to go over for dinner. They decided we would go to Spring Creek BBQ instead. I was fine with that, but it sure makes me and Rich miss ole Pop Pop! That was his MUST when he came to Texas. There were a few times we had it more than once a visit when they were down. He loved the ribs! Everyone came back to our house afterwards to hang out.

Today is Friday!!!! The day Grandma is coming in. We got an early call that she was on the plane and headed south. I took off early so I could pick the kids up and they could be waiting at the house for her to arrive. We were all excited to see her! Kiley had a game tonight. After a lightening delay we ended up on the losing end of the score. Kiley struck out twice and got an RBI her last at bat when she hit the ball straight down the 1st base line but got out. After the game we all (Uncle Stephen and his family, us, and Grandma) all went back to our house and ordered Pizza Hut (yucky! But I was a good hostess and went with what they wanted!). We were invited over to Stephen and Michelle’s for dinner on Saturday. She is making spaghetti! Guess we’ll take mom out another time to Joe’s…her new favorite place to eat when she is here.

Thursday 5/7
Today was ‘Signs of Appreciation’. I did the ole standby of pens with flowers stuck in a pot. But I did love the mini pinwheels that went perfect with them. I made some way yummy brownies with chocolate chip cookie bars. These were for the specials teachers and Rich’s other 2 teachers. So he had to carry in 6 bags this morning! He was loving me. He’ll be glad to see Teacher Appreciation Week end tomorrow. More baking tonight for tomorrow. Speaking of tomorrow….Grandma Due is coming in for some baseball and softball!
When picking Kiley up from school today she sorta hurt my feelings and made me feel as though I didn’t mean anything to her. So I showed her! I didn’t help her get ready for her game at all….she got in the car with her hair still in the morning’s ponytail and carrying her socks and cleats that she depends on dear ole Mom to put on for her. NOT TODAY! She did convince Aunt Tricia to do her hair but she didn’t have her cute ponytail holder I made for the whole team.
Kiley had a game tonight and they WON!!!!!! She got some good hits and scored and even caught! I missed it as I was at Rich’s practice (and updating my over due blog!!!!)

Wednesday 5/6
Today was ‘You’re A Star’……I really was proud of myself on this one! I found some star shaped candy dishes at the Dollar Tree, spot glued some ribbon with dangly beads . I was lost as to what to put in them! Then it hit me………STARBURST!!!! Filled them with candy and wrapped them up. Of course Rich is done with carrying gifts in for his teacher. He claims NO ONE ELSE IS! I highly doubt it.

Tuesday 5/5
Teacher Appreciation Week! Today was ‘You’re So Sweet’. Kids took bowls of fruit for their teachers.

Monday 5/4
Teacher Inservice…NO SCHOOL! Kiley spent the night with Tricia last night so she could go to CiCi’s Pizza. Rich didn’t want to spend the night, but ended up calling and asking her to come pick him up anyway to go. Of course he enjoyed it.

Sunday 5/3
Last day of Catechism for the school year and the Crowning of Mary. We had a few pretty roses from our rose bush that Mike cut for the kids to take for the crowning.

Saturday 5/2
We are doubting we have a baseball game due to all the rain we’ve been having and more to come. So we went to the baseball fields early to catch a game or two. Sure enough……rain and no game for us!
Instead, we went to Tricia and Chris’s to hang out for the evening.

Friday 5/1
Kiley had a softball game tonight. According to Mike it was the best he had seen them play. She got a few hits and even scored a time or two. Enjoyed dinner at Whataburger with the Prater Family. It was fun catching up and getting to know them.

Wednesday 4/29
Science TAKS today. Mrs. Villa has Rich very prepared…as long as he tries his best he should do well. He did tell me he fell asleep a couple of hours…not really sure about that.
And yet another day of signing the book… Sometimes she just has a hard time keeping her mouth SHUT.

Tuesday 4/28
Of course not pulling the stick will last forever! It did though until today. Today Kiley decided to spit her highlighter at her friend. Not did she just get her stick pulled, but she also signed the book. All good things must come to an end.

Monday 4/27
Back to school…boring!

Saturday 4/25
Today was softball picture day. Luckily the rain held out! Then on to Rich’s baseball game. He was so excited because he FINALLY got to pitch. I think he was so excited that he sorta forgot that when you pitch, you also have to field the balls hit back at you. GREAT JOB PITCHING. Rich’s first at bat he was hit by the pitch. Ended up losing to the Astros. A little Jimmy’s after the game and all is good! 

Friday 4/24
A miracle occurred this day in history! Kiley made her 2nd week in a row not pulling her stick!!! Let’s hope it can last. We were invited to Razoo’s for Chris’ birthday. Enjoyed dinner with the Williams family, Aunt Reda and Uncle Billy, and Uncle Bubba and Aunt Mary. Oh, and a guest appearance by Kay Kay! Mike brought in my 2nd love…my iPhone!!! It only took 2 weeks of absolute begging.
Storri stayed overnight.

Thursday 4/23
OK….I’m guessing not much has happened this week…I’m not remembering much anyway.

Saturday 4/18
No baseball! But we did have a very fun time at the Sock Hop last night. Great family night! We ended up bringing 2 of the neighbor kids as they weren’t going if we didn’t.

18 April 2009

Saturday...no games

Well, today is Saturday aka BASEBALL DAY! However it has rained a couple of inches the last couple of days...which makes today HOUSE CLEANING SATURDAY! The kids are LOVING me.

We had a great time at the Sock Hop last night. Kiley enjoyed getting dressed up and Rich even got into it by wanting to roll a pack of cigarettes up in his shirt sleeve. It didn't look so great so he ended up taking it out before we left. Oh, and it was just a pack of cards! I saw some there with a box of raisens rolled up in the sleeve. The girls were all dressed differently...some in poodle skirts, some just dressed up, and others in their jeans rolled up with a big white shirt on (Kiley!). As for the boys.....there must have been 100+ boys there with white tshirts and jeans on. A few were dressed like Elvis for the look alike contest. The kids had fun trying to blow a big bubble with 2 pieces of Double Bubble in their mouths. What a job it was just to get the gum soft enough to chew, much less make a bubble out of it. I think we spent about $15 and had a great time from 6:30-8:45. Again...I'll post pictures once I master it.

The 6 weeks ended yesterday...meaning 6 more weeks of school left.

Kiley made Highest Branch in her class. Her teacher even called me at work to let me know how proud she was of Kiley for her much improved behavior at school lately. When Kiley's name was announced on the announcements for Highest Branch in her class Mrs. Clevenland said she stood up and started crying saying her Mom was going to be so proud of her. She is right I was! So, a miracle had occurred. She went all week without pulling her stick. I stopped by and picked up the Mamma Mia soundtrack for her as a treat and we've heard it nearly nonstop since. Even Mike is going around singing "Dancing Queen...". A little scary, I know.

Tonight we are heading over to Tricia's for Storri's birthday celebration. She is so sweet to be 12, but always wanting to make sure Kiley is going to be at her birthday. Last year I threw her a big surprise party. Lots of fun it was!!!

17 April 2009

Been a Busy Week!

Had great intentions of updating before now....but I'm really needing to figure out posting pictures!

Monday......Back to school! Kids were tired...mom was tired....and even the ole dad was tired! But we survived AND both kids had ball practice.

Tuesday......NOTHING! No games and no practice, just some homework.

Wednesday......NOTHING! Again, no games nor practice. This time we just worked in the yard and did a little ball practice in the yard. Great weather. Kiley and I went for a quick trip around the block.

Thursday........2 games! Kiley PLAYED second (notice the heavy PLAYED....that is what she mostly did at second.......no plays were made there, but she had some great circles drawn in the dirt). She got 1 hit driving the 4th run of the inning in which is all they allow per inning. I think we were scoreless the first 2 innings, then we started getting our 4 then 4 more. We may have scored another time or two, but ended up losing. Rich...I missed most of his game and we were down when I showed up. Then Ronnie got a HR and a few more runs were scored. Then when our boys took the field, they made some really NOT METS/MUSTANG type plays that literally cost them the game. Ended up losing 5-4, I believe. Either way UGLY! We were staying for the next game, but Rich had homework to finish (subtracting fractions by borrowing from the whole number......I basically had to teach him from home as he didn't get it at school. It takes so long to get the answer, he forgets some major steps like bring down and calculating the whole numbers ~ you know, the easy part!) plus there was some pretty major lightening cancelling the Astros/Cardinals game.

Kiley hasn't had her stick pulled yet this week and has even earned some stars. I have no idea what the stars mean, but this is the first I've heard about them. Should she go all day today (which is a long stretch for her, but she has done well all week!) with leaving her stick in the holder, she'll get a treat. Not sure what it will be, but I've told her it will be something. We have tickets to take the kids to the Sock Hop tonight at school. (Fundraiser of some sort...of course!) Kiley is looking forward to it as she WAS going on a double date (more on that in a minute) and Rich for some reason now WANTS to go. I had already bought him a ticket in case he changed his mind. He was all for going when he thought it was a 5th grade 'dance' and not a school wide family event. Then he wanted nothing to do with it. Now if it is a bust and people see him there, he can say his parents made him come since they were taking his little 1st grade sister!

OK, on to Kiley's double date. One day this week when I picked her up she was all excited because she had a date for the dance. I was EXTREMELY shocked to say the least! I asked WHO was taking her to the dance. She told me Nicky / Picky was. This is a boy that she calls Picky because he pics at and on her all the time. I reminded her she had just asked the teacher to be moved AWAY from Picky recently. She said, she knows, but now she likes him and he wants to go to the dance with her. So I go along with it. I asked her if he was picking her up and do we even need to go along. She said we HAD to come because parents HAVE to bring their kids and stay. But as soon as we got in the building she would go find Nicky and Hannah. I asked HANNAH? She said that she was going on a DOUBLE DATE. Who knew she knew what a double date was???? She assured me I would love Hannah, she is a nice girl, really smart, blah blah blah. I'm still floored by the double date situation. So, I said who are YOU double dating with. She said (ARE YOU READY FOR THIS....) "Oh, I'm not double dating. Nicky is double dating. He is taking Hannah AND me!" Whew! THAT kind of double dating. I didn't think it was the right time to explain 'two-timing', we'll just leave it at double dating for now.
But it gets better....
Thursday when I picked her up she let me know the double date was off. So, I'm thinking NOW WHAT? I asked her why. Her reply, "Oh, Nicky SO dumped Hannah today. I don't know why, but she is so dumped!". I told her she (Kiley) must be so sad because Hannah is a great girl, blah blah blah and they're friends and she is probably crushed Nicky would DUMP her right before the Sock Hop. Kiley said it was no big deal because she is still going with Nicky!

Should be fun tonight at the Sock Hop! I'll report back with updates after the big Hop! With the whole date situation, I'm sure Daddy is looking forward to it, too!

12 April 2009

Easter Sunday! Many Blessings!

This morning we all parted ways for the morning to come all together for lunch. Mom, Storri, Kiley, Levi, and Andy's bunch headed out to Church. Shana, Bill, Weston, and Chris headed out to Shana's Church. Mike and Rich made their way to the Catholic Church in Dublin. Daddy, Tricia, and I stayed back to get the food 'blessings' prepared. YUM-O!!!
Kids had 250 eggs to find. Fortunately the weather while it was stormy overnight, turned out to be a beautiful afternoon. Enjoyed every minute of being outside. Some baseball was played, some keep the ball away from the horse next door and the dogs was played, and some good old fashioned mud puddle jumping! Yes, Levi found a great mud puddle to wander through. Weston wasn't too far behind him, but was stopped. Rich and Storri tied for most eggs found with 52 each! God knows they are too competitive, which is why I'm sure He kept it even! Kae was a little upset the younger ones out did her. Love ya Kae! Ak and Kiley weren't too far behind the bigger kids. As for Levi and Weston....they just wanted the goods inside the eggs.
Kiley got Mama Mia in her basked so we started watching it tonight. 2 hour movie, so we'll have to watch the final hour during the week. Seems to be a great movie and Kiley LOVES it. We love watching her facial expressions as she watches and sings the songs. Grandma Due would be so proud of her!
Back to school tomorrow....Only 7 more weeks of school left!!!! :)

OH...and Storri opened her iron this afternoon. Blondie so didn't get the iron joke. But has assured me she knows how to read clothing labels for care.

Good SATURDAY 11-April

Good because I got tons of things baked to take to my mom and dad's for Easter dinner. Kiley and I decorated some mighty cute cupcakes (and they were yummy, too!). Took all day to bake, decorate and pack! All to leave the house by 4:30 for Rich's baseball game.
As for the game....GREAT WIN!!! 24-12. Our boys came out STRONG showing their bats! Took a big lead in the 1st...had a rain delay in the 3rd or 4th I believe...just as the other team was starting to catch up. The closest the game got was 17-12, I am told. Then our boys closed out the 5th inning with more lightening...from their bats, that is. Rich was 3 for 3 at bat. He had some nice plays at 1st and even tried for a double play at 3rd, just being beat by the runner there. His last at bat, he was on second. Ball was hit directly at him. He had to do some quick maneuvering to get out of the way and on his way to 3rd. He did it! All the boys seemed VERY pleased with the results of the game. The last 2 games, they have scored 47 runs! 63 runs so far this year (31 runs have scored against them) in 4 games...nearly 16 runs on average a game!!! Yes, I love the number game.

Good Friday! 10-April

Today was Storri's 12th birthday! While we didn't get to celebrate with her on HER day...she got a new iron and $10 for a pair of new shorts. Seems the girl thought she could iron MESH, ATHLETIC shorts! Left a big hole in the shorts and some nice, stinky, burnt mesh on the iron. She now knows how to read clothing labels regarding what can and can't be ironed. WE LOVE YOU BLONDIE!!!

Kids both had friends over this evening as Mike and I worked in the yard. One day soon it will be looking nice and green.

Rich Field Trip! 9-April

Today was Rich's 5th grade field trip to the Cook's Planetarium in Corsicana. He claims it was boring...but sure seemed excited talking about the movies they watched!

07 April 2009


Kiley's softball team got their 1st win!!! She batted in the number 1 spot on the lineup and got to hit 3 times. She had great hits all 3 times! Scoring only once, she still did a great job offensively! Now, defensively...I'm not sure she had much action. Or maybe she just didn't take much action.

Way to go Kiley!!! Mom and Dad are very proud of our baby girl.

Today was Math TAKS for Rich! He claims it was easier than he thought it would be. Time will tell!

Had A Cold One....and I don't mean an adult beverage 'one'

Monday brought on another baseball game. And Kiley was supposed to have practice...but I made the decision she would miss softball practice since it was so cold so she could go run around and stay warm at the baseball fields. Oh, and I could watch Rich's game. And honestly they both had to be different places at 6.
BUT before I report about the game...I should report on the kids' day at school. Rich...boring and MORE review for math TAKS Tuesday. He also had his last day of after school tutoring (hopefully!!!!). Kiley had to 'sign the book' for either not following directions or playing around. Her reply..."I had a partner!". Yes, she is taking Spencer down with her! I asked her if it was the 1st time he had to sign the book and she said, "No! Trust me he has signed the book more times than me." Now, Kiley and Spencer are two of the smartest kids in the class (I think...since they were in the same reading group...just the 2 of them reading 2nd grade level material at the beginning of 1st grade...must be the awesome Kindergarten teacher they both had!). Kiley likes to have a good time and it seems Spencer is easily led. Poor kid!
Now on to the game! Very boring. They were ahead by 4 runs for awhile. We got 1 here and there and then 4 runs in an inning putting us up. Top of the 6th inning came (we were visitors) and their team was out of decent pitchers. So we ended up with 17 runs in 1 inning. Most of those walked or stole home on passed balls from bad pitches. And most of them came with 2 outs already in the inning. The other team was so beat down. They finally put in another kid to pitch and got the 3rd out to get us to bottom of the 6th. Fortunately for us they were at the bottom of their line up and it was 3 up, 3 down, go home winners!!! And all that came AFTER the other team's coach wanted silence during pitches in the game! NO CHATTER? WHAT THE HECK??? AREN'T WE AT A BASEBALL GAME???

OK...today is Tuesday.........MATH TAKS!!!! We are praying for you Rich!!!! GOOD LUCK!

We'll see what exciting happnes in Kiley's softball game tonight. She might be benched for missing practice. I am just hoping to stay on both feet all night...hmmm...did I blog about that for Saturday????

05 April 2009

Much better Saturday!

Kiley played a great game Saturday. While her team didn't win, she enjoyed playing 2nd base. She made 2 plays at 2nd!!! Before the game, Coach Alisha asked her if she wanted to play in the infield. She told her no because she didn't want to have to catch the ball. The 1st play she made was snatchig a ball hit right to her and running the girl going from 1st to 2nd down and out of the baseline. OUT!!! Second play the ball was rolling towards 2nd and Kiley actually moved to the ball and once had it in her glove stumbled over 2nd base before the runner tagged it. OUT #2!!!! Her first at bat she had a great hit and ended up scoring a few hits later. Her next 2 at bats were strikeouts. When she hits, she does a good job...

Rich's team beat the Nationals 15-4!!! His 1st at bat he was hit by a pitch. His 2nd at bat was an infield single. He scored both times. No plays were made in the field by him. Yawn...our pitcher just kept striking them out! Not a bad problem.

We ended up being at the ball fields (or back and forth!) from 10 Saturday morning until about 5 Saturday evening. My nice little sunburn reflects the amount of time we were out in it.

03 April 2009

finaLLy ! ! !

Both kids got their first games under their belts...or in Kiley's case 'drawstring'! Neither came out on the winning side of the score. Hence,the emphasis on the L L in finally in the title.

Rich struck out both at bats. I left for Kiley's game in the bottom of the 4th. I wasn't there for the painful 11-1 loss! Throws weren't being made and the boys took some really great pitches and let them go right by! Crazy things. Hopefully they get that all behind them and come ready to play on Saturday and ready to PLAY THEIR BEST (aka - WIN!!!!). They are a better team than 11-1 and need to show the others to build their confidence back up! Rich has to have a new bat as his old one was inspected by the umps and has several cracks in it. He thinks it is COOL, but wants a bat IDENTICAL to what he already has. We'll see what we find bat shopping tonight.

Kiley's game is always much more relaxed. Their score was 11-5. Those 5 runs were very proud, earned runs!!!! They really started hitting towards the end. Kiley had a great hit her first at bat. Unfortunately it was hit right to first baseman. Her 2nd at bat she struck out. BUMMER! She played Center Center field. We had 5 playing oufield, but she got the center. I'm not sure any balls came her way or if she made HER way to any balls. Either way she had fun and was bummed they lost, but was glad everyone was going to have matching hair ties that her mom made!

02 April 2009

Are we EVER going to get to play ball????

FIRST! Tuesday night was the MIDDLE SCHOOL ORIENTATION for INCOMING 6th graders!!! All 3 of us (thanks to Erin...we were minus Kiley!) came out feeling great about next year. The principal is so UPBEAT and it seems the kids really respond to him. AND one of my former high school teachers is a counselor there. She won't be Rich's counselor as she has kids with last names L-Z. Mrs. 'G' has been with the district since 1976! I think she knows what she is talking about! She even taught and coached my cousin Kay. Back to the orientation, I only teared up twice. I can't believe 6th grade is just around the corner. We may have to take some 'extra steps' to get there, but God willing, he'll be there! He has chosen his electives to be Pre-Athletics (to satisfy his PE for the year) then Health, Art, and Music. Should TAKS scores not be satisfactory for math, he may end up instead in an extra math class all year. I'm fine with that, but will be bummed for him for missing out on health. He is really looking forward to that.

We are hoping TONIGHT is the night both kids get to play their 1st games of the season. We did get a little rain last night, but hopefully not enough to cancel. They are ready to play. Well, Kiley is ready to wear her cute purple socks (which no one will be able to see tonight as we are making her wear PANTS!), of course.

Kiley is on her 1st grade Field Trip to the Science Museum. A classmate's dad works there (he is a paleontologist...AND he is Italian!!) so the kids are ready to go she 'O's dad at work. They will be seeing Coral Reef at the theater there. Kiley is CONVINCED she is going to get sick watching the movie because her teacher mentioned she can't watch them because they make her sick. I'm a little freaked out about the bus ride to and from DOWNTOWN DALLAS!!!! I've not received any calls, so I am assuming they made it safely. I did remind her (for my own nerves) that she should remember what they learned about bus evacuations and IF something happens to stay calm and start praying. Rich's comment was..."you better just worry about getting off the bus!"

31 March 2009

Another week...

Monday brought on nothing new....an unusual...but nothing new! Kiley DID NOT pull her stick today! YEAH KILEY!!!! Her dreaded writing story for this week is about a dog dreaming and what the dog is dreaming about. She decided to write about a dog named Smiley (Miley Cyrus' nickname which Miley came about from) dreaming about going shopping. She found a dress but it was to 'icpensiv' so she left. She goes to another store and finds another one that is too expensive. She finally goes to a 3rd store and finds one just right. Smiley has a smile on her face. She ended the story (very cute!) with ..."And when she woke up, she still had a smile on her face." Sweet, huh?

Rich had baseball practice. Fortunately no chest pains. We did warn Coach Blake and Coach Chris about this 'chest' condition.

A short, but roaring storm came through around midnight last night. Kids never knew a thing. Ahh...to sleep that peacefully!

28 March 2009


5:00 a.m. -->woke up
6:00 a.m.-->showered
6:45 a.m.-->wake kids up
7:00 a.m.--> "all activities cancelled" reported from website
7:01 a.m. --> tell kids to go back to bed no games or parade today
7:03 a.m. --> snoring reported from both kids' rooms!

Oh well! It IS 30 something degrees and winchill is in the 20s. Guess we'll just stay in and warm today!

....I made those awesome signs.... Oh well! I guess we'll have to use them at the games NEXT weekend!

So we decided to go bowling instead! OH YES! I won the 1st round! Even bowled a turkey (first in my life outside of Wii!!!!). 2nd game I think Rich won...but it was close between Mike, Rich and me. Kiley lost interest after the first few frames. She is an awesome Wii bowler...just couldn't get the ball going like she can the remote.

27 March 2009

We made it to Friday!

Well the rain has come and gone and it is just down right C-O-L-D!!!! Should be about 35 degrees for the parade in the morning. Games being played are still in question as the rain may have made the fields unplayable. I got Kiley's signs finished. So, just my luck...I've spent 2 evenings and who knows how much $$$ for these awesome posters....and they may sit. Oh well......they were fun to make!!

I got a call today from the school nurse. Rich was having more chest pains. So I rushed to the school to pick them up and took him to see Dr. Felty. After chest xrays, he was diagnosed with costochondritis (sp???)......again! He had this same situation off an on since fall of 07. Mainly brought on by being so active. This was his 2nd trip to the dr and the 1st time he had these pains we actually took him to the ER. But, his team was at the batting cages last night, which probably really aggravated it and caused the severe pains today. Dr. Felty suggested he take a break from baseball for awhile to let it relax and be gone. FAT CHANCE! We have decided to let him start tomorrow, IF they play (....maybe God is doing what he can to prevent Rich from playing by making the fields too wet...no...God will probably leave it up to me to make the best motherly decision for him regarding tomorrow....talk about a rock and a hard place). If he finds he can't catch at first or hit the ball, he'll have the coach pull him. He would rather his team win than bring them down by not being able to hit or field the ball. HE LOVES BASEBALL!!!!

Kiley is supposed to play tomorrow as well. I think she is looking forward to it. She is most excited about being in the parade and passing out the little purple and white pom poms we picked up at the sporting good store yesterday. Guess we'll see what the fields are like tomorrow.

25 March 2009

Wednesday already?!?!?


Kids went back to school. YEAH! Our routine is back.

Kiley had a great day at school (she left her stick where it belongs....don't ask!). Her writing assignment this week was to write about someone that means a lot to you. So, while we were waiting on Rich from after school tutoring I had her start thinking about who she was going to write about. Her first thought was her dad, then she quickly changed her mind and yelled out, "Bubby!". I can't stand when she calls him Bubby or me Memo....but she could have worse names for us, right? She had to write about 3 specific reasons this person means a lot to her. She/we chose he keeps her safe (when she mistakenly walked home from school and it was cold yet he made sure she was warm and made sure she got across the streets safely), he teaches her things (taught her Uno this weekend), and he is good at sports. So sweet, and thoughtful of her.

Rich had a great baseball practice this evening. His team is looking really good. They are tired of practicing and are ready for their 1st game on Saturday. After practice he told us he found out he passed the Reading portion of the TAKS test. This was an overheard conversation and his wandering eyes found out.....but I told him to wait until he had OFFICIAL word from Mrs. Bell before getting too excited (I said that for myself, too!!!!) He has struggled and while we hoped he passed on the first round (gets 2 more chances), we wanted to make sure he was OK and knew we would be OK if he found out otherwise.


Kiley let her stick get pulled today. Wanna know why? TALKING! Imagine that! Our Kiley a talker. Nah! She finished writing her 'Bubby' paper and got it all written neatly and perfectly in her writing binder.

Rich.........OFFICIALLY PASSED READING TAKS!!!! Now he tests on 7-April for math. If he gets by passing on that...NO SUMMER SCHOOL or retesting! We don't really think he needs summer school. He is a mostly B student with a C here or there usually.

Kiley actually made it today WITHOUT a change of the stick! YEAH KILEY!!!

Rich is glad school is 1 day closer to being out....can't blame the kid! He is very much so looking foward to Opening Day of baseball season Saturday.

I made some really cool signs for the parade for Rich's team's float. Kiley made me feel bad when she asked where her's were for her float. Guess I'll be running around getting the stuff for that on Thursday and getting them made Friday night.

Mike has been feeling like crap this week. Went to urgent care on the way home and it is a viral infection, but he got a nice steroid shot in the hip to hopefully kick it.

22 March 2009

Last day of the Spring Break before returning tomorrow...

Lots accomplished today...or maybe not! Today Kiley learned how to play UNO! Yesterday it was Skip-Bo. I think we have a card player on our hands. After Mass Kiley and I headed out to finish up the 'to get before softball starts on Saturday' list. Not the purple socks I wanted for her, but they'll do. We did have to rush home to get Rich to baseball practice on time, though. After his practice we came back and Daddy pitched to Ki some and thew with her some. She did REALLY WELL!!!! Then we were out for a quick walk around the block. She jogged most of it and Rich rode his bike around. He only lapped us ONCE! We came in and settled in for a some more card playing. I won't brag...but I think Mom was in the WIN column most often. Mike claims he was taking it easy on the kids.........WHATEVER! JENNY IS THE WINNER!!!!

21 March 2009

Day 4 of Spring Break for both kids was pretty uneventful. Kiley headed back this direction and stayed overnight with Aunt Tricia. Rich went to Reda and Billy's.

Day 5 of Spring Break was over before the kids knew it. Kiley was ready to come home when I picked her up Friday afternoon. She even missed her 'Bubby'. Rich spent the day completing his chore list. It was more a bribe list so he could spend the night with a friend. Whatever works, right???

Today we had our LAST garage sale for awhile. Amazing that last week we had tons of people come through and made lots of $$$$ off our junk. The weather then was cold, cloudy, and damp. Today was BEAUTIFUL!!!! I guess so nice no one was out garage saling. Almost wasn't worth the time setting it all up. But hanging out with Jason and Erin made it bearable!

18 March 2009

Day 3 Spring Break 09

Spring Break is officially half way OVER!

Rich went fishing with my cousin and Slow Poke. Didn't catch a thing, but a sun burn on his neck.

Kiley enjoyed a picnic lunch at the good old City Park in Hico, TX!

Me...I'm planning another garage sale to pay for the speeding ticket I earned. Stinks to get caught!

17 March 2009

Spring Break Day 2

Kiley is spending the week with my sister at my parents. WOO HOO! Can you say Kiley break??? Tonight we talked to Kiley and she had a fun filled day (beat going to Wal-Mart and eating Chinese food on Monday!). They visited the Dublin Dr. Pepper plant in Dublin, TX (duh! where else would it be???). They went on a tour and got to sip some Dublin DP (made with pure can sugar..YUM!). She made friends with Peggy Pepper (the cute, young lady doing the tour). I'm sure she is aspiring to move to Dublin and become one herself! But before that, Monday night she, Cousin 'S', Aunt Shana, and Cousin 'W' camped out in the camper at Bill and Shana's. Must have been some good sleeping as they never heard Bill leave for a fire call (volunteer fireman) in the middle of the night!

Rich has chosen to stay home, but hang out during the day with my aunt and uncle. Rich and cousin 'Big KK' went to the park today. He had hoped they were going fishing, but her friend 'Slow Poke' had a dr's appt. Unfortunately Slow Poke has cancer that is eating him up quicker than it can be destroyed. Maybe tomorrow!

Getting Started

Well...I've taken the LEAP! Seems everyone blogs these days and as much as I enjoy reading others, I decided to create one of my own. With my in laws living out of state, hopefully this will be a way I can post my family's successes and not so successes for them to see.