10 February 2010

Just Chugging Right Along!

Not much has changed for us. Rich is still playing basketball. The team is 6-0...and I'm not trying to jinx them. He made the A/B Honor Roll FINALLY!!! He even ended the semester with with all As and Bs!! He has started this 6 weeks out a little rocky. But hopefully he has time to bring them up to Bs before the 6 weeks ends.

Kiley has been sick with strep this week. But she is on the mend. She got her report from her teacher and she is doing very well. Even scored perfect on her math benchmark (district wide test). Her reading speed and comprehension has vastly improved as well.

We are getting ready for Valentine's. Her Valentine cards for her friends are way cool. We punched holes and added a crazy, heart straw. (Hoping pic loads below!)

And her box for Valentines

Just started up with a Crafternooner Club that includes some of my favorite inlaws...Karen, Erin, Christy, and Wendy and of course Tricia!

12 January 2010


I posted on my Facebook that I was having a bad hair day due to all the hats I wore yesterday...mom, nurse, plumber, teacher, etc...Kiley was sick first. Took her to the doctor. His words were, "She is confusing me!" She has the symptoms of a stomach virus (throwing up), but she has a sinus headache and symptoms of a sinus infection, but he didn't see an infection. She continued on throwing up all afternoon and evening. Mike called and said he was heading to Care Now to get checked out. He was complaining of a "tight chest and achiness". That doctor said he tested negative for flu, but had the symptoms, so he put him on Tamiflu. We can't leave Rich out. He was trying to study all evening while I was going back and forth with Kiley to the bathroom (she felt the need to have my presence while she threw up). I finally get everyone in bed around 9:30. I enjoy the quiet and peace for a few minutes and then head to bed myself. 2:30...I hear Rich up. Now he was sick. Sent him to school while Mike stayed home. (Kiley went to school, too!) Rich came home around 9:30. Mike stayed sick all week. Kids recovered within a day. Then I ended up off for a day sick as well.
Fortunately we are all over that mess.!!!

10 January 2010

The Basketballs Are A Dribblin'

Kids are back in school after the Christmas break. That means our schedule is back to being cRaZy!!

Fortunately (sorta) Kiley's basketball season came to an end on Saturday. She was really upset she didn't get a basket this season, and claims she is DONE with basketball forever! The coach tried his best to get the ball to her to get her basket, but it just didn't happen. She did enjoy it at times and made several new friends.

Rich's season just started. Mike is coaching along with another dad. First game was a WIN!!! Rich even scored a basket and had he opportunity for 2 free throws...way off. But it is the 1st game afterall.

He (and I) will be spending this week preparing for his first semester exams. We are about 75% through his Science review and about 50% for Reading/Language Arts. His Social Studies, I'm NO help with! He'll be on his own for that, and should do pretty decent. Math is my worry....but with a big prayer and lotsa self confidence, he should do ok. Luckily his average is pretty decent and even a barely passing grade on the exam will get him by (he can't know that, though! *wink* *wink*).

Christmas stuff is all packed away except for my big screen. I've convinced Mike it is more WINTERY than just Christmas-y. Truth is, I haven't found what I want for that wall yet...

04 January 2010

New Year's and the last of the Christmas celebrations...

We enjoyed a quiet (as quite as a 26 and 17 month olds can be!), small New Year's Eve. Tricia, Chris, Storri, and Levi were over as well as Shana and Weston. (When you tell Weston you love him, he cocks his head and says, "I do." So darn precious...his tone is totally different from his usual voice.) Then Brian and Kristi stopped by for a few.

New Year's Day we had Stephen and his family over. The kids enjoyed hanging out with Nick and Nicole and playing on the Wii Fit. Even Stephen and Michelle got some Wii Fit time in. Fun afternoon.

Saturday (the 2nd) we got together with my family for our Christmas! Tricia's living room was filled with Christmas gifts! Not sure how when it was mostly $$$ being exchanged. Rich ended up with $ from Aunt Reda and Uncle Billy, 2 hoodies from Weston, and more $$$ from Ma and Pa. Oh, and a nerf dart gun from great Aunt Peggy. Kiley got $ from Aunt Reda and Uncle Billy, more $$ from Ma and Pa, and the cutest 'K' necklace from great Aunt Peggy. But from Storri she got a fun (we shall see about that!) paper recycling factory, some make-up (joy!), Topple, and text message things. Mike got some much needed tools (wrenches, I think....not sure) from Chris and $$ from my parents. I got $$ from my parents, and 2 new sets of jammies from Shana! Can't wait to sleep in them. We all pitched in $$$ for my parents a new flat screen tv.

We had yummy Mexican food to eat (and a few Amaretto Sours to drink). But my favorite was my mom's chocolate pie!!!!! Couldn't get enough of it. Then I tried her lemon pie........yum! Wish I hadn't even tried it.

Levi took a tumble off the bed and badly bruised his cheek and inside of his mouth. He and Weston looked like they had been in a battle. Weston had fallen on New Year's Eve and got a bruise by his eye. They are comedic to watch together!

So, our New Year has started off with lots of hanging out with family...so we hope it continues through the entire year!