12 January 2010


I posted on my Facebook that I was having a bad hair day due to all the hats I wore yesterday...mom, nurse, plumber, teacher, etc...Kiley was sick first. Took her to the doctor. His words were, "She is confusing me!" She has the symptoms of a stomach virus (throwing up), but she has a sinus headache and symptoms of a sinus infection, but he didn't see an infection. She continued on throwing up all afternoon and evening. Mike called and said he was heading to Care Now to get checked out. He was complaining of a "tight chest and achiness". That doctor said he tested negative for flu, but had the symptoms, so he put him on Tamiflu. We can't leave Rich out. He was trying to study all evening while I was going back and forth with Kiley to the bathroom (she felt the need to have my presence while she threw up). I finally get everyone in bed around 9:30. I enjoy the quiet and peace for a few minutes and then head to bed myself. 2:30...I hear Rich up. Now he was sick. Sent him to school while Mike stayed home. (Kiley went to school, too!) Rich came home around 9:30. Mike stayed sick all week. Kids recovered within a day. Then I ended up off for a day sick as well.
Fortunately we are all over that mess.!!!

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